Sunday, January 30, 2011

Name That Song!

Hello ladies and germs! Its nice to have you here to play some... FINISH THAT SONG! The goal is to guess as many lyrics as you can without looking up or at the answers. Lets see how well you know your music.


1. It’s in the way you’re always hiding from the light, see for yourself you have been sitting on a time bomb.
2.Has the sweet breeze blown? Has all kindness gone? Hope still lingers on.
3. All of my life I've been in hiding, wishing there were someone just like you.
4. See your face every time I dream, On every page, every magazine. So wild so free so far from me.
5. We've got to move you darlin' I thought I lost you somewhere but you were never really there at all.
6. What I want you've got that it might be hard be hard to handle. Like a flame that burns a candle or the candle feeds the flame.
7. Just steal it, Take a piece of the sun and drink it.
8.No I'm not color blind, I know the world is black and white, try to keep an open mind but,
I just can't sleep on this tonight.
9. Its in the water, its where you came from.
10. And when you speak, angels speak from above. Every word seems to turn into love songs.
11.You were a child, crawlin' on your knees toward it. Makin' mama so proud, but your voice was too loud. 
12. Darkness is a harsh term, don't you think? And yet it dominates the things I see.
13. Lonely like a sailor, who's left his girl back home. No storm could overtake the love he knows.
14. Grab that cash with both hands and make a stash. New car, caviar, four star daydream. 
15. And leave a voice mail message to try and make amends, all the while hoping things would work out in the end.
16. Good friends we have had, oh good friends we've lost along the way,
In this bright future you can't forget your past.
17. I went out walking with a bible and a gun, the word of God laid heavy on my heart.
18. and if a Double Decker bus crashes into us to die by your side would be a heavenly way to die.
19. You are the apple of my eye, forever you'll stay in my heart.
20. The more you see the less you know, the less you find out as you go.


1. Break it Down Again- Tears for Fears
2. The World I Know- Collective Soul
3. Deliver Me- David Crowder Band 
4. Photograph- Def Leppard
5. Here is Gone- Goo Goo Dolls
6. You Make my Dreams- Hall and Oats
7. Red Wine, Mistakes, Mythology- Jack Johnson
8. Stop This Train- John Mayer
9. Radioactive- Kings Of Leon
10. La Vie En Rose- Louis Armstrong (listen to that song if you know what's good for you)
11. Kids- MGMT
12. Roll Away Your Stone- Mumford and Sons (I'm Obsessed with this band)
13. Won't Turn Back- Needtobreathe
14. Money- Pink Floyd
15. This Week The Trend- Relient K
16. No Woman, No Cry- BOB MARLEY.
17. The Wanderer- Johnny Cash (and U2)
18. There is a Light That Never Goes Out- The Smiths
19. You are the Sunshine of My Life- Stevie Wonder
20. City Of Blinding Lights- U2

Let me know how you did! 

Friday, January 28, 2011

"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a great battle"

I was reading one of my favorite blogs and this quote appeared. It stuck me so hard. I am not the only one with problems. I'm not the only one with worries or insecurities and as a result I need to love unconditionally. Through the past few years I've learned that people "attack" you or hurt you because they've got a heart full or problems constantly tugging at them. Of course my first reaction is to be rude and mean when they are that way to me, but I need to respond with the love of Jesus. Jesus would be kind. He would be considerate. His heart would be filled with sorrow and pain... for that person. I want to follow God wholeheartedly and with the way I tend to treat some undeserving people, that's not going well. I want to learn to "Be Kind" and always have a nice word for the person who doesn't have one for me.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Okay, I have a confession to make. I am a die hard math nerd. Before this year I never really like school and math was on my list of "things to loathe" and now. I love it. My teacher, who's name will remain anonymous, has helped me immensely and now its just great! I am such a nerd. Its bad. Its really bad. So bad that I want to be a math minor... and a business major. Business majors take tons of math courses.

I really am okay with this nerdy thing, its kind of... cool? Ha! Yeah never mind.

Anyways. I just felt that I should let you in on my life secrets. So there you have it. I love math, I am a math nerd, and I am PROUD!

The End.

P.S. What's something super nerdy about you? (The first step to helping your condition is by admitting your problem.)

Sunday, January 23, 2011

My Glorious

This song gives me goose bumps... its so wonderful and powerful. Please listen to the words carefully and believe them.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

What do cows do on Friday nights?

They go to the MOOOOOOVIES. Betsy, I miss our inside jokes.

That's besides the point. This is a post about movies. And these are my favorites.

1) GLADIATOR. There is nothing wrong with this movie. It is the greatest movie ever made. Russel  Crowe is a just a beast. Its just wonderful. So wonderful.

2) Julie and Julia- This movie is precious, wonderfully cast, and just makes me smile. I want to be so happily married like those two women. Overall amazing movie.

3) 500 Days of Summer- Hilarious. Realistic. Best. Soundtrack. Ever.

4) Inception- Should I explain myself? I mean really? That movie will just blow your mind. Its amazing and you should see it if you haven't. For sure.

5) Bourne Movies- STUD. Their just intensely amazing. I LOVE those movies. Matt Damon... Kudos.

6) When Harry Met Sally and You've Got Mail- I really think these can be put in the same categories. They are so funny and really cute. Meg Ryan you are wonderful.

7) Peter Pan (The human version)- I love Peter Pan, its always been my favorite Disney movie and the innocence of the story is too great.

8) Salt- I want to be her.

9) My Fair Lady- Audrey Hepburn is my hero. Even though Julie Andrews was first choice, it was a good decision to choose Audrey who didn't have such a queenly air about her. However either would have been fine. (That was no slight on Julie Andrews, she's golden!)

10) Public Enemies- Whoever decided to put Christian Bale and Johnny Depp together... I celebrate the day you were born.

What are some of your favorite movies?

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Satan Bird

Once upon a time (today) I was standing in the kitchen, enjoying my afternoon tea when I say something walking around in my back yard. When I went to see what it was I realized it was a satanic bird that was about to come attack and burn down my house. okay. Maybe not burn it down. But attack me. And my dog. Yes only my dog because my mom and grandfather thought it was COOL! what. the. heck. After mom and I were carrying on about how weird this thing was grandpa got put to have a look for himself. He said it looked hurt, hungry, and cold. I think it looked like an ugly bird about to eat me, walking around in my back yard. (something to know about my mom and grandpa, every animal is a pet. Every animal deserves food, a home, and love) I could really care less if the ugly thing was out there dead. It has a double beak, its super huge, and I will have nightmares about it for another month. Anyways, because it looked "hurt and hungry" I was nominated to go feed the stupid thing. In the snow. Up hills both ways? I took a cup of bird seed and chucked it out in the yard after I was a good 50 feet away from the Devil... I mean bird.
The thing was disgusting. We fed it... WHY!? Now it has a home. Someone come save me.

If you know what this thing is, please call me. I am now the heartless bird hater, and I won't loose any sleep over it. At all.
The End.

P.S. God made animals to live outside. (Accept dogs, cats and a few others as good pets) He feeds them and takes care of them. That's His job and He does it a heck of a lot better then me!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

10 Things I love about life.

I'd like to take a moment and explain that Jesus did not make this list. He is the reason I know how to love these things because He first taught me how. He is my World, without Him I know I would be nothing. I didn't want to limit Him and put Him on a list. My relationship with Him is more important to me then anything else I know. Okay. Now that we nailed that to the floor... Here is ten things I just love. Love a lot. About mah life!

1. My Family- Family is not the sharing of DNA, its a compelling love we share for one another.

2. My Sister- Really. Is there anything better then your sister? She doesn't compare to anyone and never could. I love her with all my heart.

3. My Bestest and Closest Friends- You know who are, and trust me. You've blessed me more then I could ever express. I love you all so much. (Even if you are a Redneck)

4. Music- If I start professing my love to you about Music it will be like listening to "Back In My Day Stories..." Lord knows we don't want any of that.

5. Traveling, Going Places, Living Places- I love to discover new locations. I love to meet new people. I love seeing weird animals I didn't know existed. Okay not really. I don't like weird animals. BUT nonetheless I love to travel.

6. Relationships- With people in general. Since I live in front of my computer, at bookstores, and at school I have no room to tell you about those kind of relationships. Its good to be a nerd! Anyways. I love the fact God has made us to love. Its wonderful to be involved in the lives of others. I love loving people.

7. FOOD- Oh yes. Food is happiness. Especially Tea, Bread, Garlic, Cream, and BUTTER. There is nothing better then butter. If I had the choice to eat butter or die I think I would choose butter. I think.

8. Books- I don't know what to say about books? There's a lot to say about books. I love my Bible, that's a favorite. And cook books. Like Mastering the Art of French Cooking.

9. Rain and Sun- Rain is really great accompanied by a nice book and lovely cup of tea. Its nice to watch and even better to walk around in. And the pictures are great. But when Sun is involved you want to sinnnnnnng. And smile. And get wicked tan. And just be happy.

10. My Life- I love the life God has given me. I know its a great one, and I know there's a lot to do in it. I can't wait to see what I am going to be doing and I am glad to be here living. Life.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The American Poet

I am deeply in love with Robert Frost. He's amazing. He's sensational. He's wonderful! I could read Robert Frost poetry until the day I died... The way he used literary ingenuity to portray a simplistic and everyday idea is mind blowing. Frost was thoughtful, he was smart and he was NOT insane which is very refreshing when almost every other poet is. I just love Robert Frost. 

The Road Not Taken 

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

Every time I open my "Robert Frost Reader"I have to read this poem. A sense of thoughtfulness, sorrow,and even pain penetrates through and through, providing you with a feeling of being completely lost as 
you read. Its beauty in words. 
Oh, How I love you Robert Frost. 

Monday, January 17, 2011

Book Stores

Where I live there is an abundance of book stores. This is a really good thing for two people, such as my mother and I, who just simply love to read. I don't know what it is but there is something wonderful about walking around a good book store with a warm cup of tea in your hand, surrounded my hundreds of different stories. Book stores give me a sense of comfort and peace. The thought that there are so many stories to be read, things to be learned, and pages to discover is intriguing. My favorite stores are the kind where the shelves reach the ceiling and you can easily get lost in one aisle of books for a solid 3 hours. People have something to say, and the way they choose to say it is what makes the experience so interesting. Biographies, Novels, Poetic Works, Memoirs and many other writings are just the simple ways people choose to reveal a part of their lives to the world. I will forever have a love for book stores and the content within them.

"You can't get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me." - C.S. Lewis 

Sunday, January 16, 2011

My Chains Are Gone

Please read the words carefully and know that you are saved by Jesus' grace. 

Amazing grace how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost, but now I'm found
Was blind, but now I see

'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear
And grace my fears relieved
How precious did that grace appear
The hour I first believed

My chains are gone, I've been set free
My God, my Savior has ransomed me
And like a flood His mercy reigns
Unending love, amazing grace

The Lord has promised good to me
His word my hope secures
He will my shield and portion be
As long as life endures

My chains are gone, I've been set free
My God, my Savior has ransomed me
And like a flood His mercy reigns
Unending love, amazing grace

My chains are gone, I've been set free
My God, my Savior has ransomed me
And like a flood His mercy reigns
Unending love, amazing grace

The earth shall soon dissolve like snow
The sun forbear to shine
But God who called me here below
Will be forever mine, will be forever mine
You are forever mine

This song has changed my life, its says so much so simply. 

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Books Books Books

Because I live in the south and because we've gotten 10 feet of snow every single day of the week, I've been catching up on my reading in hopes to work my way through this list...

1. Three Cups of Tea - Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin
2. Once and Future Kind - T.H. White
3. The story of Edgar Sawtelle - David Wroblewski
4. Burn and Skin - Ted Dekker
5. Wuthering Heights - Emily Bronte
6. Plato - translated by Hugh Tredennick
7. The Hunger Games Series - Suzanne Collins
8. The Discipline of Spiritual Discernment - Challies
9. The Sent of Rain and Lightening - Nancy Pickard
10.  A bunch of Lewis stuff

That's all I can think of right now but I am sure there is much much more!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A Vally Set Apart

Ever since I was 8 years old I've gone to New Life Ranch, the best camp that ever was, ever. My first experience was over Labor Day with my church, the weekend I was baptized. From that weekend on I fell in love. I wanted to go back, but had no mind to ask about scholarships. So it took me a whole 'nother year to get there. After all this naivety I finally went to camp, and it changed my life. I was addicted to the place, if you've ever been there you know the feeling. God is there without a shadow of a doubt, as a result of Godly people striving to make a difference. Every time I step foot on the grounds I know I am bound to learn something, something that will change the way I look at people, talk, or grow in my relationship with my heavenly Father.
If I could be anywhere in the world right now I would be at New Life with all my NEHI and Tim team friends, my FBC youth group and a few other wonderful cohorts (cohorts is a weird word...) Over the summer I shared two weeks with the greatest group of people, people who changed my life for the better. People who would go anywhere or do anything if I asked them to, and some who I will know forever.
Thank you Dikona, Thusia, Dulos, Timone and Pumba for making a huge impact in my life and changing me for the better.

Monday, January 10, 2011

"If I know for sure Jesus is says who He is, then why do I..."

My biggest fault is not trusting and trusting too much. Being unsure is my biggest fear, I can't handle not knowing what's going on or where I am going. For some reason, God knows why, I've always been this way.  When it really kicks in I'm like a little child, asking her parents "When are we going to get there?" Its relentless. However on the other side I trust people too much, so many times I've been let down by people who I was convinced would die by my side. People who truly have good hearts but when human nature kicked in they hiked out. I am not going to sit here and tell you I have not done the same thing, that would be a joke. I have let so many people down. Even though I have tasted disappointment I continue to trust people like dogs. And then not trust people. If I fully believed God at what He said He is, taking His Word in full assurance why do I doubt my safety? I want to learn to hear the words "Do not fear for the Lord your God is with you always" and believe them. On Sunday my pastor said, "Certainty comes when I fix my eyes on Jesus." I realize I don't trust because I don't trust the right people. I can only rely on Jesus. He is the only rock I can fully lean on and know for certain I will not stumble.

"When He has brought out all His own, He goes on ahead of them, and His sheep follow Him because they KNOW (and trust) His voice"
- John 10:4

Saturday, January 8, 2011


My darling older sister lives too far away from me, and I've been missing her terribly. This past summer I spent most days with her, enjoying her company and getting to know her even more. I wish I could drive and see her within twenty minutes, but she's so far. I never thought we would be where we are today, but she is my dearest and closest friend. Lauren knows me better then anyone else and loves me unconditionally.

We started out neighbors, friends who happened to go to the same church and eventually the same school. Since I was six years old I've shared so many memories with her. I will never forget our long days full of trees, pretending, swimming, bike rides, or Beetle Juice. Most of the time we hated each other, but our options were play or sit at home and do nothing. As we grew older and I finished elementary school, we started to get along... well. At least more then yelling and getting angry all the time. I worshiped her and she put up with me (I think she loved me the whole time!). My Freshman year and her Senior year were life changing, because I changed schools the effort to see one another had become more of a priority. We played ultimate together, saw movies, had sleepovers weekly, sat in the car and talked for hours, lived and breathed on Jack Johnson, and ate nothing but sno cones. We got stuck at Quick Trip, went to every youth group function, stayed up until early morning talking, ate lots of smashburger, took tons of pictures, and so much more. I praise God for that summer, He grew us so much as sisters and I wouldn't take a minute back. Leaving Lauren in Tulsa (and Siloam) did not feel right, and still doesn't.
Neno, I think about you everyday. I miss you lots and thank you for being the most wonderful older sister.
I love you more then life.

Friday, January 7, 2011

"Christ Jesus took hold of me"

The love I feel from my Heavenly Father renews my heart, daily.
His love keeps my soul at peace and makes my joy complete.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Thinking Thoughts

Recently, I've grown into a state of quietness. Its an odd thing for me, but I've been finding silence relaxing. Quietness is a comfort I cannot explain, for me to sit and think has become one of my favorite "things". Watching people go by, meditating on a story I just read, or a prayer I just uttered has cultivated want for peace. The Lord has been teaching me that I do not need to speak my mind every ten seconds but that I can sit in silence with Him and tell Him my deepest thoughts. He's making me quiet. He's making me talk to Him. I love this quietness He has placed in my mind, the thoughts He's been establishing instead of my rambling. Nothing is wrong with me, nothing has happened to make me slightly more uncommunicative, accept that God wanted in, He got in and has been teaching me great things. Thank You Lord for this new founded peace, silence, and constant conversation with You.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

My Sad Wardrobe...

Because I am a private school kid and because all we're allowed to wear is skirts and Polo's I've gone into such a sad lull with my dress. Yesterday I wore a skirt on my own accord for the first time in months, it was very good. Mostly because it didn't try to go to my ankles and because of what I paired it with. If you know me at all I am sure your mouth is hanging open with shock at the lack of interest I've had in my clothes. To put it clearly, there are two sides to my wardrobe. The most prominently seen is the lazy side, the side that wants to wear jeans or running shorts, long sleeved t-shirts, and vans. On the other side there is a girl who lives for high waisted pencil skirts, Anthropologie Dresses, and tights with all too adorable boots. My goal this year is to enjoy all my clothes and put a little more wear into them, rather then everything but my Arkansas Razorbacks shirts and Bullhead jeans, sitting desolate. Accompanied by dressing better I will make an honest effort to wear more of my jewelry and cardigans to school, giving my disgusting uniform... something. This is an effort to push out the lazy side and pulling in the "better dressed" side, if you will. In conclusion, my clothes will be better appreciated. 
This awakening was inspired by my favorite blog Sea of Shoes, thank you Jane for opening my eyes. 

Monday, January 3, 2011

Carpe Diem

What are you going to do tomorrow? Are you going to wake up and operate on that one cup of coffee which so quickly revives you, or are you going to live? Chances are, you'll get out of bed way too early, go to work or school, eat, go to the bathroom a few times, return home, eat some more, maybe talk to some people you know, then go to bed in intense anticipation for the all too exciting "tomorrow." We're sitting in a comfortable box labeled life, heaven forbid we get out of that box. Heaven forbid we invest in the lives of others or take the time to enjoy what we have been given. What would it be life if each day we seized with intense anticipation, dumbfounded by our Maker and the plans He has for us.

Carpe Diem

P.S. I wrote this to help wake myself up.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Music it moved us, we shook our fists.

You know what's so great? Music. You know why its so great? It never stops. Oh, how I love music. I wish I could brag about my endless music collection and how the number of songs I own exceeds 10,000. Sadly, it is not so. However, I can name a band or two... or a few hundred. For the "New Year" one of my resolutions is to find 100 new bands in addition to the ones I am currently listening to. If you have any suggestions, please share. Until then, I can't stop listening to these bands...

1. Mumford and Sons- Sigh No More. Amazing CD. Amazing lyrics. Wonderful music.
2. Bon Iver- For Emma, Forever Ago (thank you Laine)
3. La Roux- Song, Quicksand.
4. Pink Floyd- MONEY. Its cash.
5. She and Him- I Put a Spell on You. I love Zoey Deschanel's voice.
6. Vampire Weekend- Vampire Weekend
7. Def Leppard- Photograph and Pour Some Sugar on Me (of course)
8. Duran Duran- Notorious
9. Daft Punk- Tron Soundtrack
10. Bill Evans- Peace Piece

To name a few...

Saturday, January 1, 2011

"Remember, if you need a helping hand you'll find one at the end of your arm"

Tonight I watched "My Fair Lady" with my dear best friend, and wanted to take a moment and admire my favorite actress... of all time. She was one of the most beautiful women to walk the face of the earth, and carried herself with humbleness and happiness. She was gorgeous because she smiled often and loved well. Thank you Audrey Hepburn for setting an example of true joy and beauty.