Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Will you still find me? Will you still see me? Through Smoke.

Before the truth will come to fill our eyes
The wool comes down in the form of fire
And when the answers and the truth have cut their ties
Will you still find me?
Will you still see me through smoke?
Through smoke

I was born in a house in a town just like your own
I was raised to believe in the power of the unknown
When the answers and the truth take different sides
Will you still find me?
Will you still see me through smoke?
Through smoke
Through smoke
Through smoke

When their whispers have painted pictures that
Make you doubt what you once believed in
paper stories that hide the glory
to keep up searching
Through smoke.

Who do you believe when you can't get through?
Through smoke
When everything you know seems so untrue
Through smoke
When I'm lost in a place that I thought I knew
Through smoke
Through smoke

Who do you believe
Through smoke
everything you know
Through smoke
When I'm lost in a place
Through smoke
Give me some way...


Please read every word, this song has spoken to me in so many ways. 

Monday, March 28, 2011

Oh, Facebook...

I hate Facebook. I love Facebook. What?
Well, I'm detoxing for about a month, like I did the past two months. I love not getting on Facebook; however, it's not very exciting because of the oblivion you suffer as a result. Though NOT getting on Facebook allows me to:
1. Make good grades in school.
2. Do chores. I love doing chores?
3. Write the support letters for my mission trip and actually finish the essay section on my New Life Ranch application...
4. Talk to my sister. If she ever calls back! Hey! Lauren call me back.
5. Organize my room.
6. Study trigonometric ratios and special triangles ( I. LOVE. MATH.)
7. Watch movies via skype with my darling best friend.
8. Re-bake those applesauce muffins that I originally failed at making... (Note to self: Never talk to your sister and give her guy advice while baking also, baking powder and baking soda are TOTALLY different)
9. Finish the Percy Jackson book that we're probably paying 40$ a day for.
10. See 1-9.

What's something that unintentionally consumes your life?

Friday, March 25, 2011


Hey friends, my dear best friend Rebekah just started a blog and its definitely worth reading! Here's a link, so reeeeeeeeead.


Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Its been really nice outside... which makes me think of summer... and then I want to start crying because its SO close, yet so far away...
Tulsa. Rebekah. Other best friends. Not sleeping often. Super tan-ness. No shoes. Lots of ultimate. Endless time with friends. Shorts. Lots of rap and Jamaican music. Books. Movies. Junk food. Going to bed in the morning. Movies. Tank tops and T shirts galore. Camp. Living on planes. Beach. SNOCONES from JOSH'S! and many many more wonderful glorious things... Oh summer please hurry.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Doorway to My Heart

This past week, on the most wonderful spring break of my life, I discovered I am totally and utterly in love with Peter Pan. Yup. Peter Pan, the young boy who lacked the maturity to accept life and with a will of his own refused to grow up. Growing up is difficult and sometimes the thought of it makes me want to go hide in my closet and cry; however, on the other hand I have an appreciation for the mess of life we find ourselves in as we advance through life.
But  that is all beside the point... I just love Peter Pan and there is not much more to say on the matter!
Have a wonderful week, and a quick spring break recovery.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Sheep on a rainy day

I have so much homework and NO time for consistent blogging. Lame ducks. But I'd like to take the time and say that today I am abundantly happy and thankful for sweet, funny, wonderful people who keep my world going 'round. And Justin Bieber... who's been serenading me (with his girlie voice) and keeping me a live and aware!

Okay, I'm not really listening to Justin Bieber. That was a joke. I am listening to Mumford and Sons, that's the REAL shizzzz. (And Esperanza Spalding)



Justin Bieber, you're okay. But you do sing like a girl. I like your songs Down to Earth and Up, but besides that you annoy me. Just sayin. I hope you're not reading my blog...


Monday, March 7, 2011


Today I am thankful for the gift of people. The Lord has been teaching me that there are many kinds of people in this world, not all of them will I get along with, and not all of them will I like. But I can love them. Our battle is not against each other, our battle is against the Devil and the false ideas he puts in our head. Sometimes your friends will not be a picnic in the park, but God placed them in your life for a reason. I am glad I have wonderful people to talk to everyday and brothers and sisters in Christ that I can fully rely on.
Thank you Lord for people and friends.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

6 days!

Today I'm thankful for my health. God has blessed me so much in this area. I'm happy to say I only have slight back problems and nothing else. The Lord has put His hand on my life in more ways then my health (many more) but today I am glad I don't feel sick or unwell.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

7 days

7 days until I go home. I can't express how excited and thankful I am to return to T-Town. I miss that wonderful city and the even more wonderful people who live there. For the next 7 days I am going to blog about 7 things I am truly thankful for, the last and most important falling on Saturday. My true home and family.

Today I've been thankful for the rain. The rain invigorates me and it couldn't be anymore beautiful. Rain gives me comfort. I love driving in it, I love looking out the window and watching it fall.

What's something you're thankful for?

P.S. 7 days until I get to hug my sister and best friend. AMEN!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Oh Happiness!

Life has been so interesting lately, I've been super busy and hysterical the past few days. I've said things I've regretted and I've taken quizzes that have made me cry, BUT there is a light at the end of the tunnel. SPRING BREAK IS 10 DAYS AWAY! Can you believe it? The only sad thing about this is that I have 9 days to get my GPA up to where it should be...

Anywho. The sun is shining and its not 20 degrees outside, its almost Friday, there's good music to be listed to and a Sonic iced tea in my hand. Its a pretty good day. 

I hope you're having a good Thursday!