Monday, March 28, 2011

Oh, Facebook...

I hate Facebook. I love Facebook. What?
Well, I'm detoxing for about a month, like I did the past two months. I love not getting on Facebook; however, it's not very exciting because of the oblivion you suffer as a result. Though NOT getting on Facebook allows me to:
1. Make good grades in school.
2. Do chores. I love doing chores?
3. Write the support letters for my mission trip and actually finish the essay section on my New Life Ranch application...
4. Talk to my sister. If she ever calls back! Hey! Lauren call me back.
5. Organize my room.
6. Study trigonometric ratios and special triangles ( I. LOVE. MATH.)
7. Watch movies via skype with my darling best friend.
8. Re-bake those applesauce muffins that I originally failed at making... (Note to self: Never talk to your sister and give her guy advice while baking also, baking powder and baking soda are TOTALLY different)
9. Finish the Percy Jackson book that we're probably paying 40$ a day for.
10. See 1-9.

What's something that unintentionally consumes your life?

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