Tuesday, October 25, 2011


People say True Love isn't real. Or, they say you can't experience it until you've been with someone for a while. They have never experienced True Love and only until they do, will they understand.
I have only been with him three weeks total, in my life. I don't regularly talk to him, for reasons of his own. My friends tell me I'm in over my head, or obsessed. But they just fall into the category of the unexperienced. I do not speak out of arrogance or pride, just out of a matter of fact. I feel something for him, I've never felt before.
Forget the lust, sure it's there, but the feelings run deeper. They're feelings of sacrifice, patience, grace, peace, and LOVE, true, deep, penetrating love.
When I do think about him, I get weak in the knees, sick to my stomach, and dizzy in the head, but its because I know there's something special about him. No one compares and no one ever will. He is my True Love and it will take a miracle of God to change that.

My Darling "Carl",
I miss you.

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