Tuesday, December 28, 2010

FAVORITE and not

For Christmas I got a Listography book. Within the book are pages to "List Your whatever" the book comes up with the stuff so you don't have to! Such as your favorite band, movie, pets, ect. Ya dig? Anyways. I've always been a list maker and this will give you even more insight on yours truly. Who doesn't like a good list?!


  • JESUS! 
  • Music (that's another post, another day)
  • My Mom and Dog
  • Family
  • My 5 darling best friends
  • All those other great people I know
  • Books
  • Clothes
  • Curly Hair
  • Tea
  • Summer a.k.a. not winter.
  • True Grit
  • New Vans
  • Bob Marley, Bono, Audrey Hepburn, Joseph Gordon Levitt 
  • Sally, Marley, and Herold
  • Music 
  • Cousins leaving
  • Cold Tea
  • Not being in the mood to read
  • The smell of perm crap. I don't know what its called?
  • Back Pain
  • No good food in the house
  • Almost all of your friends being on vacation
There will be more lists...

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