Monday, May 23, 2011

Love, Sally

Dear Readers,
I am Rachel's laptop, Sally. I'm sure many of you enjoy reading her blog, but really. Where would this blog be without me!? Rachel and I have had some wonderful times together. She's always using me and sometimes overloading my batteries but that's okay, we're such close friends that I don't mind because I know she appreciates me. But really. How could she not?! What's not to love about a cute white laptop, with a yellow bow? I wonder sometimes.
Rachel asked me to fill in for her this week, she mentioned something about being busy studying for finals, but I'm convinced otherwise... Anyways. You'll be hearing from me for a week or so!

I'll be here eating my cookies, before they eat me.


Saturday, May 21, 2011


I am obsessed with Percy Jackson & the Olympians. It is by far my new favorite book and maybe even movie. Along with that (and probably more so) I am totally in love with Logan Lerman. Mock me all you want, but he's a doll.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Summah. Hurry.

Dear 92% in English, could you come up one point so I DON'T have to take the final? Thanks. Dear Tuesday Uniform, I'm sure the rest of the school despises you, but I don't. You're so comfy... Dear Friday 27th, HURRY UP. I WANT TO SEE MY BEST FRIEND. Dear Chi, please stop being so expensive and breakable. I need another one. Life without a straightener is sad. and miserable. Dear Daddieo, I can't wait for our boating trips, grilling excursions, ice cream parties, you singing to me in the morning, rocking out to the Kings, car washes, and weird faces (and chillin' in telephone booths) t-minus 11 days.

Have a happy NCIS, Tuesday!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Its Saturday, Saturday gotta get down on Saturday!

Dear Saturday, I love you so much. I always sleep better then night before a Saturday and the thought of getting up and drinking a nice cup of tea, catching up on my blog reading, and actually eating bfast is just so great! Thanks.
Dear Barnes and Noble, Do you have many other teenagers who go sit in the children's section and immerse them selves in books that they should have been reading 10 years ago?
Dear Rain, after a few days of sun I have to say, I'm very glad you're back.
Dearest Bestest Friend, its days like today, when I don't have much to do, that I long for your company. I can't wait to spend my summer (and the rest of the summers, for the rest of my life) with you.

What section do you automatically go to in Barnes and Noble?

Photography by Jeff Young

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Flyin' Loerke Style

If you don't read this blog you should... This couple is such a good example of a healthy marriage. I enjoy reading their blog and I am going to be unoriginal and write letters this whole week, just like they do.
Here it goes...

Dear Nicki Minaj: I am obsessed with your song Super Bass. Just sayin'. Dear Best Friend, (aka 2nd Biff but really) I've been thinking about you so much recently. Tonight I wanted to tell you about how I really liked my hair and that I saw a creek named- Caleb's Creek- and I almost melted. 2 weeks...
Dear Summer, I can feel the warm sun on my skin, endless sno cones, camp, no shoes, FBC, hanging with the old man (daddy), the best and the sister, and no sleeping. Hurry. Dear Sleep, you've been weird lately. Why can't I just fall asleep at a normal time and stay asleep? Dear Maroon 5, you amaze me. Your new CD is exceptional and I can't stop listening to it. Thanks for the good beats.

Have a spectacular Thursday!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Well. That's cool.

Ya know, life has been good recently. Its been crazy and sometimes I really want to scream, but that doesn't mean its not good. Summer is so close I am starting to smell it! My best friend and I have talked TWICE this week. TWICE! Can you believe it?! I also talked to my sister for a glorious 2 hours. You know that when you call your sister and she says, "I'm not busy, do you want to skype?" its going to be a good day. Good week. Good year. Ya dig? I love my sister, just so ya'll know. 
Last night I went and saw Thor with my mother and 5 dear friends from school. Let me say, if you like some good lookin' man, go see it. Now. I mean the movie was exceptional, and we all really enjoyed it but... oh man. 
I hope you're having a wonderful weekend and don't forget to tell your mother you love her. 

P.S. Here's your reason to see Thor
Can I get an AMEN!?