Friday, February 25, 2011


Hey friends, guess what?! I am running on 4 hours of sleep currently. This week was insane... It involved stressful paper writing, skyping every day with my dear best friend (therefore not getting much writing done), discovering new and amazing music, my other best friend having medical issues, an awesome Mentalist episode, and good times with my class. It was a crazy but very good week. Anyways... to expound on the music amazing-ness, this is what I have survived on the past few days.

1) Brand New- The Devil and God are Raging Inside of Me. Can I get an amen?

2) Boyce Avenue- Teenage Dream

3) For Today- Breaker

4) Simon & Garfunkel- Cecilia

5) Sufjan Stevens- The Dress Looks Nice on You

6) Wakey!Wakey!- Clinton Street Girl

7) Tears For Fears- Break It Down Again (this was the greatest, and will remain the greatest song ever     written, ever)

8) Say Anything- Do Better

9) Lady Antebellum- Need You Now (I listened to this band long before my move)

10) Anberlin- Younglife

This is the stuffs guys.

Monday, February 21, 2011

So Sorry

Hey kid,

I'd like to take a minute and say I will not be actively blogging until Friday. As dumb as it is, school has to come first. And there's a lot of school. I hope you have a very merry Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Until then, take a break and listen to these...

 Mumford and Sons- Sigh No More
 Bon Iver- For Emma, Forever Ago
(Anything and everything)- Jack Johnson

Love ya!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


"I never did anything worth doing by accident, nor did any of my inventions come by accident; they came by work." -Thomas Edison

In both of my history classes I've been learning about the Free Enterprise System and great inventions that changed America for the better. As I have been studying the lives and inventions of these well known inventors, a large respect for their work has been impressed upon me. "Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety nine percent perspiration," said by Thomas Edison, also. This quote proves that hard work and perseverance go much farther then true knowledge; however, intellect does prove to be helpful. For the next week or so I am going to be/ am drowning in books and paper writing. Fun for me, yet at the same time I am reminded by this great inventor, that if I put my mind to learning, it can be done. It can be done well.

P.S. Count of Monte Cristo paper. Prepare to be DOMINATED.

P.S.S. And 6 tests/ quizzes...

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

You Might Be a Redneck if...

You own a homemade fur coat

The Salvation Army declines your mattress

Your wife can climb a tree faster than your cat

You pick your teeth from a catalog

You take a fishing pole into Sea World

Someone asks to see your ID and you show them your belt buckle

Your front porch collapses and kills more than five dogs

Monday, February 14, 2011

We say those words but we don't look into each others eyes...

I don't know what to say about today. Its a sad holiday when you're lacking in the relationship department. But I can say Valentines Day is a lot more then telling that boy you like, well that you like him. Its for more then telling her she's pretty. Valentines Day is for telling someone dear and close to you that you love them. So take this opportunity and call your closest friends (maybe not just your close friends) and tell them you love them. Tell them you're thinking of them and that they are special to you. Tell your best friend he/ she is awesome and that you'd be lost without them. Think of something, but seize your chance for non-awkward-ness and tell someone you love them.

And, I love you.

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Ray LaMontagne, congrats on having (one) of the top 5 best songs of the year. I'm so glad someone had good enough taste in music to nominate you. You're wonderful!

Back in the Saddle Again...

Today I have found myself consumed with homework... I suppose now that spring is trying to push through the cold, I shall be going to school more often. However because we haven't gone to school for a full week since the very beginning of December its catch up time. Oh YAY.
Dear 500 word stupid essay, could you please write yourself? That would be cool. Thanks.

Here's to you, if you're studying late tonight or writing a literary critique. I wish you all the best. If you're not... enjoy yourself. Happy Homework!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Cause I'm NOT leavin' on a jet plane...

Its been almost three months since I've been on a trip. A trip longer then the weekly drive to church, and I'm dying because of it. I don't go this long without going somewhere and its bothering me. I'm sure you're thinking I'm such a brat for this, and yeah I probably am but I really don't care. I love to go places, travel and meet new people. It will be soon, and very soon that I do go somewhere, but on a lazy weekend such as this I yearn to be somewhere else. I don't fly on a monthly basis or anything, but I would monthly take a trip to see my dad or siblings and now that I live so far away from them its an impossible feat for a short weekend trip. Okay I probably just want to go to Tulsa, because I miss it so darn much. But then again a nice long car or plane ride to anywhere would suit me just fine, too.

Guys, don't forget its Valentines Day Monday... Or Singles Awareness Day. Wherever you may find yourself. Nonetheless don't forget to buy your woman something nice. Or not nice. I don't know just don't forget.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Have you ever wondered...

If anyone ever found Waldo? Why we couldn't all fly to Never land? If James Buchanan was really a homosexual? Has anyone ever made it to Narnia? What's in Abby's Caf- Pows? Why we push away the ones we love and cherish the most? What's not to love about Johnny Depp? Why the end pieces of bread are such a disappointment? Why reading our Bible is so much harder then any other book? How Sour Patch Kids got so good? Why cell phone contracts are so long? Why would someone try to kill Bob Marley? Why America hasn't agreed for an hour nap break? Why I don't have a pair of Solo HD Product RED beats? Where the silver lining is on a cloud? How come we don't dress like we live in the twenties? Why its so difficult for people to believe in truth? What makes saying "I Love You" is so hard? Why picking out fruit is such a life changing decision? Why in the world food poisoning exists? Why we generally always live too far away from our families? Why are Ewan McGregor and Joseph Gordon Levitt not in more movies? How the heck is Taylor Swift famous? When will I ever see my sister? Why Vibram 5 Fingers make your feet feel so happy? What made Edgar Allen Poe so crazy? Why we collect things? Why women wear painful shoes?  How some people live on The Golden Arches? Why people thrive on other people's issues? Why onions make you cry? Why you don't tell him how you feel? Why the whole world doesn't live on the beach? Why I'm not sleeping?

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

I do believe in fairies, I do, I do!

"never say goodbye because goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting"

-Peter Pan

Monday, February 7, 2011

Sunday, February 6, 2011


I love Superbowl Sunday. It brings as much joy as Christmas morning. Although Christmas is not my favorite holiday... So I suppose Superbowl Sunday is more like the Fourth Of July, which is my favorite holiday. I wish I could say I was spending the day at my best friends house, like last year. However my day will be spent with my wonderful family, vegetable trays, heavenly chocolate cake, and the Packers killing the Steelers. I really hope the Steelers loose. They knocked the Eagles out of the Divisional playoffs and I want them to LOOSE. So... GO PACK GO!

Are you sporting the Cheese Head or are you being lame and rooting for that other team... Whatever their name is?

Merry Superbowl Sunday!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

You're really cool

Mater: I KNEW IT! I knowed I made a good choice
Lightening McQueen: In What?
Mater: My bes' frien!

Thank you for making me smile at 9:13 and reminding me that in the midst of the insanity of life I can still smile and remember that life is too short. Thank you for bringing the innocence of a statement like that and making me feel loved and appreciated. You are the bestest friend in the whole wide world!

Friday, February 4, 2011


They say you don't know what you've got 'till its gone. That so true and I'd give anything to be back in this wonderful city. I miss you Tulsa and I miss you wonderful Tulsa people.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Beards and Folk

Recently I've been on this Folk music kick. Folk music is wonderful, its relaxing and pure ingenuity. What makes folk music so wonderful? The cool guys with beards who sing it. I know... how shallow is that? I like folk music for the lead singers' (or the whole band) beards. That's not wholly true. I like folk music because its chill, it makes me happy, it makes me feel like I should be in the woods during the summer time. Or sitting in a bookstore with a good cup of tea. Whichever you prefer.

Some of you are probably rolling your eyes and thinking "WOW, Rachel has taken a bad dive off the cliff and she's going crazy. Folk music is insane and who likes beards?!" Please ditch all of those thoughts from your head, right now. Mumford and Sons came along and now I am utterly in love. Its not country. ABSOLUTELY NOT. Country music makes me want to cry and throw up. Folk is banjo, amazing voices, and music brilliancy. People who listen to folk music are a special type of person. Kudos and bonus points to you if you listen to it, if you don't you should. I am here to help and support you if you need some help getting started, but folk music (and slow acoustic) music is the way to go. Its the stuff, kids.

If you can't tell I am a little bit in love with folksy music. I am actually just in love with music in general. Thanks God for cool guys with beards who look like lumber jacks with angelic voices.

Have a happy Thursday Evening.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


My personality is very quarky. There are so many weird, random things about me. So guess what? I am going to make a list about my weirdness.

Weirdness #1. I cannot start apples on my own. I really don't understand this, I know I am small but I am totally aware my mouth is not. This puzzles me, but someone always has to take the first bite.
#2. I do not sleep with a pillow. Since I have really bad back issues it bothers me to sleep with a pillow, their awkward and its more comfortable to lay flat.
#3. My favorite thing to do is lay on my bed and listen to music. Not just listen to music, but HEAR the music. There's so much we aren't hearing when we listen to a song, and I like to lay around and think about it.
#4. I drink 4-5 cups of tea a day. I wish I had been born a Brit.
#5. I like the idea of books, I like what's in them; however the idea of reading and reading itself bores me (though I wish it didn't).
#6. I eat really well with chopped sticks. Very well...
#7. I don't like driving. Its super boring, you can't take in the scenery very easily.
#8. I have 25 pairs of shoes and wear about three of them, occasionally I wear the others.
#9. Rainy days beat out sunny ones any time. Rain is ma favorite!
#10. I could my live life in my room. Almost always alone, as long as I had skype. I basically do live here, but I would probably be okay if I didn't leave for a long time...

These are ten things I could think of off the top of my head, but I know there are many more. I am sorry about the lists, you're probably bored with them. I will try to write more often... in paragraph form. Hope you're not stranded in snow! If you are  listen to the top ten albums on itunes, minus 8 and 10. Most importantly 1 and 3. Okay that was random.
Have a happy day.