Wednesday, January 19, 2011

10 Things I love about life.

I'd like to take a moment and explain that Jesus did not make this list. He is the reason I know how to love these things because He first taught me how. He is my World, without Him I know I would be nothing. I didn't want to limit Him and put Him on a list. My relationship with Him is more important to me then anything else I know. Okay. Now that we nailed that to the floor... Here is ten things I just love. Love a lot. About mah life!

1. My Family- Family is not the sharing of DNA, its a compelling love we share for one another.

2. My Sister- Really. Is there anything better then your sister? She doesn't compare to anyone and never could. I love her with all my heart.

3. My Bestest and Closest Friends- You know who are, and trust me. You've blessed me more then I could ever express. I love you all so much. (Even if you are a Redneck)

4. Music- If I start professing my love to you about Music it will be like listening to "Back In My Day Stories..." Lord knows we don't want any of that.

5. Traveling, Going Places, Living Places- I love to discover new locations. I love to meet new people. I love seeing weird animals I didn't know existed. Okay not really. I don't like weird animals. BUT nonetheless I love to travel.

6. Relationships- With people in general. Since I live in front of my computer, at bookstores, and at school I have no room to tell you about those kind of relationships. Its good to be a nerd! Anyways. I love the fact God has made us to love. Its wonderful to be involved in the lives of others. I love loving people.

7. FOOD- Oh yes. Food is happiness. Especially Tea, Bread, Garlic, Cream, and BUTTER. There is nothing better then butter. If I had the choice to eat butter or die I think I would choose butter. I think.

8. Books- I don't know what to say about books? There's a lot to say about books. I love my Bible, that's a favorite. And cook books. Like Mastering the Art of French Cooking.

9. Rain and Sun- Rain is really great accompanied by a nice book and lovely cup of tea. Its nice to watch and even better to walk around in. And the pictures are great. But when Sun is involved you want to sinnnnnnng. And smile. And get wicked tan. And just be happy.

10. My Life- I love the life God has given me. I know its a great one, and I know there's a lot to do in it. I can't wait to see what I am going to be doing and I am glad to be here living. Life.

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