Monday, January 3, 2011

Carpe Diem

What are you going to do tomorrow? Are you going to wake up and operate on that one cup of coffee which so quickly revives you, or are you going to live? Chances are, you'll get out of bed way too early, go to work or school, eat, go to the bathroom a few times, return home, eat some more, maybe talk to some people you know, then go to bed in intense anticipation for the all too exciting "tomorrow." We're sitting in a comfortable box labeled life, heaven forbid we get out of that box. Heaven forbid we invest in the lives of others or take the time to enjoy what we have been given. What would it be life if each day we seized with intense anticipation, dumbfounded by our Maker and the plans He has for us.

Carpe Diem

P.S. I wrote this to help wake myself up.

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