Saturday, January 8, 2011


My darling older sister lives too far away from me, and I've been missing her terribly. This past summer I spent most days with her, enjoying her company and getting to know her even more. I wish I could drive and see her within twenty minutes, but she's so far. I never thought we would be where we are today, but she is my dearest and closest friend. Lauren knows me better then anyone else and loves me unconditionally.

We started out neighbors, friends who happened to go to the same church and eventually the same school. Since I was six years old I've shared so many memories with her. I will never forget our long days full of trees, pretending, swimming, bike rides, or Beetle Juice. Most of the time we hated each other, but our options were play or sit at home and do nothing. As we grew older and I finished elementary school, we started to get along... well. At least more then yelling and getting angry all the time. I worshiped her and she put up with me (I think she loved me the whole time!). My Freshman year and her Senior year were life changing, because I changed schools the effort to see one another had become more of a priority. We played ultimate together, saw movies, had sleepovers weekly, sat in the car and talked for hours, lived and breathed on Jack Johnson, and ate nothing but sno cones. We got stuck at Quick Trip, went to every youth group function, stayed up until early morning talking, ate lots of smashburger, took tons of pictures, and so much more. I praise God for that summer, He grew us so much as sisters and I wouldn't take a minute back. Leaving Lauren in Tulsa (and Siloam) did not feel right, and still doesn't.
Neno, I think about you everyday. I miss you lots and thank you for being the most wonderful older sister.
I love you more then life.

1 comment:

  1. Rachel Marie! I love you so much and I'm very thankful for the friendship we have! I'm glad God has put me in your life and thanks for the post!
